01 Mar 2016
 | 01 Mar 2016
Status: this discussion paper is a preprint. It has been under review for the journal Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS). The manuscript was not accepted for further review after discussion.

An empirical method to improve rainfall estimation of dual polarization radar using ground measurements

Jungsoo Yoon, Mi-Kyung Suk, Kyung-Yeub Nam, Jeong-Seok Ko, Hae-Lim Kim, and Jong-Sook Park

Abstract. This study presents an easy and convenient empirical method to optimize polarimetric variables and produce more accurate dual polarization radar rainfall estimation. Weather Radar Center (WRC) in Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) suggested relations between polarimetric variables (Z–ZDR and Z–KDP) based on a 2-D Video Distrometer (2DVD) measurements in 2014. Observed polarimetric variables from CAPPI (Constant Altitude Plan Position Indicator) images composed at 1 km of height were adjusted using the WRC's relations. Then dual polarization radar rainfalls were estimated by six different radar rainfall estimation algorithms, which are using either Z, Z and ZDR, or Z, ZDR and KDP. Accuracy of radar rainfall estimations derived by the six algorithms using the adjusted variables was assessed through comparison with raingauge observations. As a result, the accuracy of the radar rainfall estimation using adjusted polarimetric variables has improved from 50 % to 70 % approximately. Three high rainfall events with more than 40 mm of maximum hourly rainfall were shown the best accuracy on the rainfall estimation derived by using Z, ZDR and KDP. Meanwhile stratiform event was gained better radar rainfalls estimated by algorithms using Z and ZDR.

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Jungsoo Yoon, Mi-Kyung Suk, Kyung-Yeub Nam, Jeong-Seok Ko, Hae-Lim Kim, and Jong-Sook Park
Status: closed
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AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Jungsoo Yoon, Mi-Kyung Suk, Kyung-Yeub Nam, Jeong-Seok Ko, Hae-Lim Kim, and Jong-Sook Park
Jungsoo Yoon, Mi-Kyung Suk, Kyung-Yeub Nam, Jeong-Seok Ko, Hae-Lim Kim, and Jong-Sook Park


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Short summary
This study presents an easy and convenient empirical method to optimize polarimetric variables and produce more accurate dual polarization radar rainfall estimation. Observed polarimetric variables were adjusted using the WRC's relations of polarimetric variables (ZZDR and ZKDP). Overall, unmatched radar rainfall estimation compared to observed rainfalls has been much improved by six rainfall estimation algorithms combined with the empirical method for the four cases.