14 Jun 2016
 | 14 Jun 2016
Status: this discussion paper is a preprint. It has been under review for the journal Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS). The manuscript was not accepted for further review after discussion.

The water temperature characteristics of the Lena River at basin outlet in the summer period

Vera Fofonova, Igor Zhilyaev, Marina Krayneva, Dina Yakshina, Nikita Tananaev, Nina Volkova, and Karen H. Wiltshire

Abstract. The water temperature characteristics of the Lena River at basin outlet during the summer season (June–September) are considered. The analysis is based on a long-term data series covering the period from the beginning of observation (1936) to the present time (2012) at Kusur (Kyusyur) gauging station and complementary data at several stations downstream and one station upstream. These additional data are rarely used, but their analysis is important for understanding processes in the basin outlet area. The differences between the stream surface temperatures at Kusur station and 200 km downstream to the north at Habarova (Khabarova) station have almost always been an anomalously large and negative for the considered period since the beginning of observation during open water season from July to September. The description of this difference and its analysis are presented. To sort the problem out, we consider the observational data in terms of the hydrology and morphology of the Lena River delta and main channel area and apply statistical and deterministic modelling approaches. The inability of water temperature observational data at Kusur station to represent the mean cross-sectional temperature is addressed. The analysis of the water temperature trends at the Kusur and Habarova stations is also presented.

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Vera Fofonova, Igor Zhilyaev, Marina Krayneva, Dina Yakshina, Nikita Tananaev, Nina Volkova, and Karen H. Wiltshire
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Vera Fofonova, Igor Zhilyaev, Marina Krayneva, Dina Yakshina, Nikita Tananaev, Nina Volkova, and Karen H. Wiltshire
Vera Fofonova, Igor Zhilyaev, Marina Krayneva, Dina Yakshina, Nikita Tananaev, Nina Volkova, and Karen H. Wiltshire


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Short summary
This paper analyses water temperature characteristics in the basin outlet area of the Lena River during the summer season. The analysis is based on a long-term data series at several gauging stations including rare used data, however, which are important for understanding processes in the considered area. We discuss to what extent the water temperature observations near river bank represent the mean stream temperature. As an instrument statistical and deterministic modelling approaches are used.