30 Jul 2015
 | 30 Jul 2015
Status: this discussion paper is a preprint. It has been under review for the journal Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS). The manuscript was not accepted for further review after discussion.

Effectiveness of a regional model calibrated to different parts of a flow regime in regionalisation

H. S. Kim

Abstract. The objective of this study was to reduce the parameter uncertainty which has an effect on the identification of the relationship between the catchment characteristics and the catchment response dynamics in ungauged catchments. A water balance model calibrated to represent the rainfall runoff characteristics over long time scales had a potential limitation in the modelling capacity to accurately predict the hydrological effects of non-stationary catchment response dynamics under different climate conditions (distinct wet and dry periods). The accuracy and precision of hydrological modelling predictions was assessed to yield a better understanding for the potential improvement of the model's predictability. In the assessment of model structure suitability to represent the non-stationary catchment response characteristics, there was a flow-dependent bias in the runoff simulations. In particular, over-prediction of the streamflow was dominant for the dry period. The poor model performance during the dry period was associated with the largely different impulse response estimates for the entire period and the dry period. The refined calibration approach was established based on assessment of model deficiencies. The rainfall–runoff models were separately calibrated to different parts of the flow regime, and the calibrated models for the separated time series were used to establish the regional models of relevant parts of the flow regime (i.e. wet and dry periods). The effectiveness of the parameter values for the refined approach in regionalisation was evaluated through investigating the accuracy of predictions of the regional models. The predictability was demonstrated using only the dry period to highlight the improvement in model performance easily veiled by the performance of the model for the whole period. The regional models from the refined calibration approach clearly enhanced the hydrological behaviour by improving the identification of the relationships between the catchment attributes and the catchment response dynamics representing the time constants in fitting recession parts of hydrograph (i.e. improving the parameter identifiability representing the different behaviour of the catchment) in regionalisation.

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H. S. Kim
Status: closed
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AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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H. S. Kim
H. S. Kim


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Short summary
- Model deficiencies were identified through analysing the non-stationarity nature under different climate conditions. - Model deficiencies influenced on the identification of the relationship between the model parameters and the catchment attributes. - The parameter uncertainty in regionalisation was reduced through improving identifiability of the model parameters representing the different behaviour of the catchment. - This approach is applicable to the catchments in the monsoon areas.