30 Jun 2015
 | 30 Jun 2015
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal HESS but the revision was not accepted.

Land-use changes reinforce the impacts of climate change on annual runoff dynamics in a southeast China coastal watershed

A. Ervinia, J. Huang, and Z. Zhang

Abstract. Study on runoff dynamics across different physiographic regions is fundamentally important to formulate the sound strategies for water resource management especially in the coastal watershed where peoples heavily concentrated and relied on water resources. The LR diagram, a conceptual model by which the land-changes evapotranspiration (ΔL) was estimated as the difference between actual and climate evapotranspiration to identify the specific impact of land-use changes on annual runoff changes (ΔR), was developed using the 53-year hydro-climatic data of Jiulong River Watershed, a typical medium-sized subtropical coastal watershed in China. This study found that land-use changes have reinforced the impact of climatic changes on runoff changes where nearly all points were scattered in II and IV quadrant. Deforestation and expansion of built up area has diminished the water retention capacity in a catchment as well as evapotranspiration thus produce extra runoff accounting for 12–183 % of total runoff increase. In contrast, reforestation makes the significant contribution to decreasing annual runoff for about 21–82 % of total runoff loss. This study revealed the river runoff has become more vulnerable to intensive anthropogenic disturbances under the context of climate changes in a coastal watershed.

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A. Ervinia, J. Huang, and Z. Zhang
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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A. Ervinia, J. Huang, and Z. Zhang
A. Ervinia, J. Huang, and Z. Zhang


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Short summary
The L-R diagram was developed to reveal that land-use changes has reinforced the impact of climate changes on annual runoff dynamic in a Southeast China coastal watershed. Deforestation played significant role to generate overflow runoff in a watershed during heavy precipitation. In contrast, reforestation enabled watershed to store more water in a catchment during dry year. This study inferred that severe drought and flood in the future cannot be fully addressed as an impact of climate changes.