15 Oct 2014
 | 15 Oct 2014
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal HESS but the revision was not accepted.

Optimal well locations using genetic algorithm for Tushki Project, Western Desert, Egypt

S. Khalaf and M. I. Gad

Abstract. Groundwater depletion is one of the most important problems threaten the national projects in Egypt. The optimal distribution of well locations and pumping rates mitigate this problem. In this paper, a trial to mitigate this problem in Tushki National Project, south western desert, Egypt was carried out via delineating the optimal well locations and optimal pumping rates. The methodology of combination between simulation and optimization techniques was applied. A linked simulation-optimization model for obtaining the optimum management of groundwater flow is used in this research. MODFLOW packages are used to simulate the groundwater flow system. This model is integrated with an optimization model OLGA (Optimal well Location using Genetic Algorithm technique) which is based on the genetic algorithm (GA). Two management cases were considered by running the model in Abu Simbel-Tushki area with adopted steady and transit calibrated parameters. The first case (fixed well location) is found that the optimum value of the objective function (maximum pumping rate). In the second case (flexible well location with the moving well option) locations of wells are to be decided by the OLGA model itself within a user defined region of the model grid until the optimal location is reached. Also, the prediction of the future changes in both head and flow were made in steady and transient states.

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S. Khalaf and M. I. Gad
Status: closed
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AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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S. Khalaf and M. I. Gad
S. Khalaf and M. I. Gad


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