HESS Opinions 2023
HESS Opinions 2023
Editor(s): Thom Bogaard, Alberto Guadagnini, Erwin Zehe, and Theresa Blume
Review process: all papers of this special issue underwent the regular interactive peer-review process of Hydrology and Earth System Sciences handled by members of the HESS editorial board.

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19 Jun 2024
HESS Opinions: The sword of Damocles of the impossible flood
Alberto Montanari, Bruno Merz, and Günter Blöschl
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 28, 2603–2615, https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-28-2603-2024,https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-28-2603-2024, 2024
Short summary
18 Jan 2024
HESS Opinions: Never train an LSTM on a single basin
Frederik Kratzert, Martin Gauch, Daniel Klotz, and Grey Nearing
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-2023-275,https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-2023-275, 2024
Revised manuscript accepted for HESS (discussion: closed, 26 comments)
Short summary
28 Nov 2023
HESS Opinions: Drought impacts as failed prospects
Germano G. Ribeiro Neto, Sarra Kchouk, Lieke A. Melsen, Louise Cavalcante, David W. Walker, Art Dewulf, Alexandre C. Costa, Eduardo S. P. R. Martins, and Pieter R. van Oel
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 27, 4217–4225, https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-27-4217-2023,https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-27-4217-2023, 2023
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11 Apr 2024
HESS Opinions: The unsustainable use of groundwater conceals a “Day Zero”
Camila Alvarez-Garreton, Juan Pablo Boisier, René Garreaud, Javier González, Roberto Rondanelli, Eugenia Gayó, and Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 28, 1605–1616, https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-28-1605-2024,https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-28-1605-2024, 2024
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18 Jul 2023
HESS Opinions: Are soils overrated in hydrology?
Hongkai Gao, Fabrizio Fenicia, and Hubert H. G. Savenije
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 27, 2607–2620, https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-27-2607-2023,https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-27-2607-2023, 2023
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