Articles | Volume 3, issue 2
30 Jun 1999
 | 30 Jun 1999

The FORGEX method of rainfall growth estimation II: Description

D. W. Reed, D. S. Faulkner, and E. J. Stewart

Abstract. The Focused Rainfall Growth Extension (FORGEX) method produces rainfall growth curves focused on a subject site. Focusing allows the incorporation of rainfall extremes observed regionally while respecting local variations in growth rates. The starting point for the analysis is an extensive set of annual maximum rainfalls, with values at each gauged site standardized by the median. Following the philosophy of the earlier FORGE method, a strongly empirical approach is adopted. The rainfall growth curve is represented by linear segments on a Gumbel scale, and is fitted by a least-squares criterion. The selection of data points is intricate and includes both the traditional pooling of regional extremes and the incorporation of network maximum events. The latter comprise the largest events from successive hierarchical networks of gauges, focused on the site for which estimates are requires. Their treatment takes account of interdependence using the Dales and Reed model of spatial dependence in rainfall extremes.
